Push your fitness further with our gym facilities, group fitness classes, freestyle areas and more.
Bay Plaza Cinema | Reception | Monday | Lakewood Cinema | Floor 2 | Tuesday | North Park Theatre | Lounge Bar | Wednesday | Old Capitol Arts | Floor 4 | Thursday | Music Hall | Speakers Room | Friday | Campus Green | Saturday | Sunday | |
03:00 | Tabata 03:00 To 04:00 TabataTabata consists of eight rounds of ultra-high-intensity exercises in a specific 20-seconds-on, 10-seconds-off interval. It may only take four minutes to complete a Tabata circuit, but those four minutes may well push your body to its absolute limit. HIIT 03:00 To 04:30 HIITHIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) Classes vary the intensities of the workouts by including short bouts of all out intense workout routines alternated with bouts or active recovery. Fat burn during a short HIIT session is higher as compared to many form LISS (Low intensity steady state) training. Keeps the metabolic rate at an elevated level a few hours after the workout. | Circuit 03:00 To 04:00 CircuitForm of body conditioning using high intensity to target strength building, burn calories And burn fat to improve physique. Circuit Training 03:00 To 04:00 Circuit TrainingCircuit training is a form of body conditioning using high-intensity. It targets strength building or muscular endurance. STEP AEROBICS 03:00 To 04:30 STEP AEROBICSA set of exercises designed to improve the cardiovascular system by repeatedly stepping on and off raised platforms. | Aerobics 03:00 To 04:00 AerobicsPhysical exrcise that gets your heart and lungs in shape and tones your body. SPIN 03:00 To 04:00 SPINA cardiovascular exercise that involves indoor cycling while raising your heart rate up. It is a vigorous workout that burns calories and keeps your muscles in shape. | Power Cardio 03:00 To 04:30 Power CardioBased on intense circuits that include high-impact power moves like jump squats, jumping lunges and burpees and advanced ab routines. It is a super-shred program designed to transform | BodyCon X 03:00 To 04:00 BodyCon XWorkout class set around functional body movements. The squat, lunge. Hinge (think deadlift), push, pull, rotate and walking/running, using large groups of muscles majorly together with high repetition movements. Aside from giving you that sculpted and great looking body, this exercise program raises and maintains a high level of energy burn even when you are not working out, who doesn’t want to burn that extra fat even when they are just sitting. Insanity 03:00 To 04:00 InsanityThis is a body workout that requires your body for resistance. Best for toning, fat loss and body shape. | |||||||||||||
04:00 | ||||||||||||||||||
06:00 | HIIT 06:00 To 07:00 HIITHIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) Classes vary the intensities of the workouts by including short bouts of all out intense workout routines alternated with bouts or active recovery. Fat burn during a short HIIT session is higher as compared to many form LISS (Low intensity steady state) training. Keeps the metabolic rate at an elevated level a few hours after the workout. ULTIMATE FIT-TEST 06:00 To 07:00 ULTIMATE FIT-TESTA Low Impact workout for the whole body that will get your core working harder. For a leaner, stronger you. Power Cardio 06:00 To 07:30 Power CardioBased on intense circuits that include high-impact power moves like jump squats, jumping lunges and burpees and advanced ab routines. It is a super-shred program designed to transform | Circuit Training 06:00 To 07:00 Circuit TrainingCircuit training is a form of body conditioning using high-intensity. It targets strength building or muscular endurance. IN-SANITY 06:00 To 07:00 IN-SANITYA total body workout? It involves bodyweight exercises and high-intensity interval training. Tabata 06:00 To 07:00 TabataTabata consists of eight rounds of ultra-high-intensity exercises in a specific 20-seconds-on, 10-seconds-off interval. It may only take four minutes to complete a Tabata circuit, but those four minutes may well push your body to its absolute limit. | Circuit 06:00 To 07:00 CircuitForm of body conditioning using high intensity to target strength building, burn calories And burn fat to improve physique. SPIN 06:00 To 07:00 SPINA cardiovascular exercise that involves indoor cycling while raising your heart rate up. It is a vigorous workout that burns calories and keeps your muscles in shape. SPIN 06:00 To 07:00 SPINA cardiovascular exercise that involves indoor cycling while raising your heart rate up. It is a vigorous workout that burns calories and keeps your muscles in shape. | INTENSITY TRANSFORMATION 06:00 To 07:00 INTENSITY TRANSFORMATIONWeights Class that builds strength, tones your body and pushes you to the limit. help build stamina, through this type of training your body will gradually be able to withstand longer exercise routines. Lasting benefits include weight loss, increased strength, better health, and overall lifestyle improvement Power Cardio 06:00 To 07:00 Power CardioBased on intense circuits that include high-impact power moves like jump squats, jumping lunges and burpees and advanced ab routines. It is a super-shred program designed to transform HIIT 06:00 To 07:30 HIITHIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) Classes vary the intensities of the workouts by including short bouts of all out intense workout routines alternated with bouts or active recovery. Fat burn during a short HIIT session is higher as compared to many form LISS (Low intensity steady state) training. Keeps the metabolic rate at an elevated level a few hours after the workout. | SPIN 06:00 To 07:00 SPINA cardiovascular exercise that involves indoor cycling while raising your heart rate up. It is a vigorous workout that burns calories and keeps your muscles in shape. | X-FITA strength and conditioning workout that is made up of functional movement performed at a high intensity level. These movements are actions that you perform in your day-to-day life, like squatting, pulling, pushing etc. | ||||||||||||
07:00 | ||||||||||||||||||
08:00 | Fat BlastFat Blast | Functional training 08:00 To 09:00 Functional trainingFunctional training-The above subject bodyweight functionality class entails the use of one’s weight without use of any equipment to build up more on strength on various body muscle groups for example push-ups builds up strength on upper body. | TAEROBICS 08:00 To 09:00 TAEROBICSA full body exercise that combines TAEBO and AEROBICS to increase your endurance, flexibility, and muscle tone. J Boxercise 08:30 To 10:00 J BoxerciseIs an exercise class based on the training concepts boxers use to keep fit. Class can take a variety of formats but a typical one may involve shadow-boxing, skipping, hitting pads, kicking punchbags, press-ups, shuttle-runs and sit-ups. | HIIT 08:00 To 09:00 HIITHIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) Classes vary the intensities of the workouts by including short bouts of all out intense workout routines alternated with bouts or active recovery. Fat burn during a short HIIT session is higher as compared to many form LISS (Low intensity steady state) training. Keeps the metabolic rate at an elevated level a few hours after the workout. | STEP AEROBICSA set of exercises designed to improve the cardiovascular system by repeatedly stepping on and off raised platforms. | |||||||||||||
09:00 | ||||||||||||||||||
10:00 | HIIT CARDIO 10:00 To 11:00 HIIT CARDIOA challenge mix of High Energy Cardio Workout and Endurance. Unleash strength you never knew you had. ULTIMATE FIT-TEST 10:00 To 11:00 ULTIMATE FIT-TESTA Low Impact workout for the whole body that will get your core working harder. For a leaner, stronger you. | FAB ABS 10:00 To 11:00 FAB ABSChallenges you to build and maintain a better shaped and functioning core Mobility 10:00 To 11:00 MobilityMobility training is the process in which you work to improve the body movement in all or a single joint. | STEP AEROBICS 10:00 To 11:00 STEP AEROBICSA set of exercises designed to improve the cardiovascular system by repeatedly stepping on and off raised platforms. | Body Condition 10:00 To 11:00 Body ConditionBody conditioning classes involve a high energy, high impact workout and typically involves a combination of aerobics and toning. Power Cardio 10:00 To 11:00 Power CardioBased on intense circuits that include high-impact power moves like jump squats, jumping lunges and burpees and advanced ab routines. It is a super-shred program designed to transform Body Condition 10:00 To 11:30 Body ConditionBody conditioning classes involve a high energy, high impact workout and typically involves a combination of aerobics and toning. | AEROSPIN 10:00 To 11:00 AEROSPINA great form of cardiovascular exercise that allows you to burn fat, lose weight and improve your physique. | |||||||||||||
11:00 | ||||||||||||||||||
16:00 | Body ConditionBody conditioning classes involve a high energy, high impact workout and typically involves a combination of aerobics and toning. | BoxingIs an exercise class based on the training concepts boxers use to keep fit. Classes can take a variety of formats but a typical one may involve shadow-boxing, skipping, hitting pads, kicking punching bags, press-ups, shuttle-runs and sit-ups. | Ladies class Ladies class -Build your booty shake off some calories with explosive lady friendly workouts. Safe space to express yourself fully. | KATIKAA cardio dance workout that uses music and choreographed steps to form a fitness party atmosphere. | InsanityThis is a body workout that requires your body for resistance. Best for toning, fat loss and body shape. | |||||||||||||
18:00 | BOX TEKE-TEKE 18:00 To 19:00 BOX TEKE-TEKEThe fast Paced, explosive step workout that will leave you upbeat and ready for More. Tabata 18:00 To 19:00 TabataTabata consists of eight rounds of ultra-high-intensity exercises in a specific 20-seconds-on, 10-seconds-off interval. It may only take four minutes to complete a Tabata circuit, but those four minutes may well push your body to its absolute limit. | FEEL THE BEAT 18:00 To 19:00 FEEL THE BEATA Dance and cardio workout that will leave you feeling hyped (Express yourself) Fun Moves & Shaking tunes (Feel Yourself) SPIN 18:00 To 19:00 SPINA cardiovascular exercise that involves indoor cycling while raising your heart rate up. It is a vigorous workout that burns calories and keeps your muscles in shape. | SPIN 18:00 To 19:00 SPINA cardiovascular exercise that involves indoor cycling while raising your heart rate up. It is a vigorous workout that burns calories and keeps your muscles in shape. SPIN 18:00 To 19:00 SPINA cardiovascular exercise that involves indoor cycling while raising your heart rate up. It is a vigorous workout that burns calories and keeps your muscles in shape. Tabata 18:00 To 19:00 TabataTabata consists of eight rounds of ultra-high-intensity exercises in a specific 20-seconds-on, 10-seconds-off interval. It may only take four minutes to complete a Tabata circuit, but those four minutes may well push your body to its absolute limit. | STEP AEROBICS 18:00 To 19:00 STEP AEROBICSA set of exercises designed to improve the cardiovascular system by repeatedly stepping on and off raised platforms. X-T REME H-45 18:00 To 19:00 X-T REME H-45A training technique in which you give all-out, one hundred percent effort through quick, intense bursts of exercise, followed by short, sometimes active, recovery periods. This type of training gets and keeps your heart rate up and burns more fat in less time. | Insanity 18:00 To 19:00 InsanityThis is a body workout that requires your body for resistance. Best for toning, fat loss and body shape. SPIN 18:00 To 19:00 SPINA cardiovascular exercise that involves indoor cycling while raising your heart rate up. It is a vigorous workout that burns calories and keeps your muscles in shape. STEP TONING 18:00 To 19:00 STEP TONINGA step-based class combining cardio with toning exercises on and off the step board. This is a great way to increase co-ordination, build fitness and introduce cardio into your workout as well as tone up different muscle groups in one session. | |||||||||||||
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Lakewood Cinema
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North Park Theatre
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Lounge Bar
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Old Capitol Arts
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Floor 4
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Music Hall
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Speakers Room
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Campus Green
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